Friday, July 22, 2011

Garden update - Dad wins. Again.


Marc brought this home after seeing my dad this week. It was in a bag with three other courgettes and two massive cucumbers. Yup. Dad wins the "first edible plant of the season" and the "I'm the first to have enough veggies to go around" awards. Again. HOW DOES HE DO IT?!? 

And it was so close! Two days later, I pulled out this beautiful little golden beet from my garden. Marc and I had ourselves a party and ceremoniously ate it. Because that's its destiny.

It was quite delicious, although I over boiled it a bit. I kept those lovely beet greens for a later salad or just for wilting in the pan with some butter, salt and pepper. Here's something I discovered : I was always frustrated when I bought beet greens and they'd be wilted in just over 24 hours if I left them in the fridge.  So this time, I just placed them in an oversized drinking glass with a bit of water (I guess you could use a vase if it was SQUEAKY clean - I've been told I'm a bit of a germ / gross -o-phobe), left them on the kitchen counter like any flower arrangement and voilà! The greens are still nice and perky 48 hours later. 

That's it for now, kids! À plus tard!

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